Week at a Glance- March 27 to March 31

Week at a Glance- March 27 to March 31
Posted on 03/24/2023
Week at a Glance

Hello Storrington Stingers,

We hope that all our Stingers had a great weekend!

Please see the information below in this week’s Week at a Glance.  

Earth Hour 2023

This year, Earth Hour was recognized globally on Saturday, March 25.  At Storrington, we recognized Earth Hour 2023 on Friday, March 24.  Earth Hour is an opportunity to raise awareness of environmental issues both locally and globally.  On Friday, from 11:45 to 12:45, we reduced the lighting and limited technology use to show our commitment to reducing our ecological footprint and our commitment towards a greener planet.


National Indigenous Peoples’ Languages Day

On Friday, March 31, 2023, we will recognize National Indigenous Peoples’ Languages Day.  It is a day to celebrate and honour the strength and endurance of Indigenous Language and Culture Champions in bringing awareness to the importance of Indigenous languages, cultures and teachings.  


World Autism Awareness Day

World Autism Awareness Day is on Sunday, April 2, 2023.  On Monday, April  3, we will take the time to recognize and spread awareness for the rights of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder.  It is also an opportunity to celebrate the achievements and accomplishments of individuals with ASD.  We are also encouraging students to wear tie dye on Monday, April 3 to further celebrate and recognize the day.  

Kindergarten Online Registration for 2023-2024 School Year

If you have a child or know of a family who has a child that is Kindergarten age in September, the LDSB online registration for 2023-2024 school year is now open. You can register your child now for September, 2023 at Kindergarten Registration. To learn more about the Kindergarten program, please visit Discover Kindergarten in Limestone.  Thank you for choosing LDSB. #SeeYourselfInLimestone 

Mabel’s Labels

We have a Mabel’s Labels fundraiser account for any families who are interested in purchasing labels.  If you are interested in purchasing labels, go to:  campaigns.mabelslabels.com and type Storrington Public School (Battersea) in the Search for the Name of Organization.  All proceeds from the label purchases will go to purchasing outdoor equipment.

Updates to Provincial Self-Screening Tool and Guidelines 

Students and visitors need to continue to self-screen each day, prior to school.

-Students and staff should stay home when sick. Anyone who is feeling sick or has any new or worsening symptoms of illness (including COVID-19 symptoms) should stay home, until:

-their symptoms have been improving for at least 24 hours (or 48 hours for nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea), and

-they do not have a fever, and

-they do not develop any additional symptoms.

-For a total of 10 days after the start any illness symptom, students and staff should continue to wear a well-fitted mask in all public settings (including schools and childcare, unless under two years old) and avoid non-essential activities where mask removal is necessary.

News from our Storrington School Council

A reminder about our PJ day/movie fundraiser on Thursday, April 6. Students  will stay after school and will need to be picked up by 6pm. Permission forms were sent home last week. Admission is $2, /student, with optional add-on popcorn or candy bags for $3 each. Funds raised will go towards the purchase of gym stage padding and equipment.

Macmillan’s Fundraiser for a little something sweet and prepped is running now and closes April 13th. http://www.macmillansfundraising.online/  All you need to do, once done shopping and checkout, is make sure to pick Storrington Public School from the organization drop down menu. Delivery should be between May 1-2, and we will notify all those who ordered where pick-up will be from, closer to the date. 

Plantables Fundraiser is ongoing and will end May 1st. Here is the link if you would like to share or order something.   https://plantables.ca/for/spsstingers

Our Community Wellness & Fun Day is Saturday, May 13th from 10-3pm. Check out our event page https://fb.me/e/3v9330Z9H.  We will be having a thrift sale around the track for all those interested in a little spring cleaning. Check it out and get rid of some things, find some things, and make a little money. 

If you have any questions or concerns please email  [email protected] or message one of us. If  interested in helping out or joining/checking out our  parent council, our next meeting is April 13th at 6:30pm with childcare provided.  

If you have a highschool student in need of volunteer hours email us and we can get you a list of dates and events that they could earn them at. 

As always, thank you for all of your support and making sure the kids have all we can give them.

Week Ahead

Monday, March 27

-Chess Club (Grades 3 to 8)

Tuesday, March 28

-Lego Club (Grades 3 and 4)

Wednesday, March 29

-Hot Lunch

-Junior Boys (Team 1) Basketball Game at Molly Brant

-Junior Girls Basketball Game at Lancaster PS

Thursday, March 30

-Junior Boys (Team 1 and 2) Basketball Game at Perth Road

Friday, March 31

-Hot Lunch

-National Indigenous Peoples Languages Day

-International Day of Transgender Visibility

-Milkshake Sales

Upcoming Dates

Monday, April 3

-World Autism Day - Wear Tie Dye

-Junior Boys (Team 2) Basketball Game at Molly Brant

Wednesday, April 5

-Junior Girls Basketball Game at Storrington PS vs Ecole Maple ES

Thursday, April 6

-Pyjama Day

-School Council Movie Night 

Friday, April 7

-Good Friday

Monday, April 8

-Easter Monday

Tuesday, April 11

-Junior Boys (Teams 1 and 2) Basketball Game at Loughborough PS

Wednesday, April 12

-International Day of Pink

Thursday, April 13

-School Council Meeting at 6:30

Friday, April 21

-Earth Day

Friday, April 28

-Freeland/Griffin JK/SK and Kuhnke SK/1 to Little Cat

-Milkshake Sales